Paul Dunstan of Dukinfield Manchester - AKA Beaker AKA Descion - Warning

IMHO Paul Dunstan is a right little piece of poo. Paul Dunstan of Dukinfield Manchester that is, not anyone else unlucky enough to have the same name as him. Paul "Beaker" Dunstan, called "Beaker" because he acts and looks like Beaker of the Muppets. Also known as Descion on eBay, one of the nastiest pieces of work you can ever hope your worst enemies to sell to / buy from. It is also worth looking at his feedback as it shows a) how bad he acts and b) what garbage he mostly buys and sells (take note: the only items he sells for more than a miserly £10 all fail / get returned one way for another).

Paul Dunstan also has the lowest work ethic also IMHO, often abusing the company's time and facilities. Give him a job? You must be mad! He has very few mates because he is a skinflint and never pays his way, plus he is always back-stabbing everyone. As for relationships, he would be better suited to partnering a quadraped with a wagging tail, as they would have so much to yap about.

An example. Paul recently ordered a camera off eBay. He bragged to me that he would get it for free, just I wait and see. The camera arrived and then Dunstan tried to fabricate some fault, so he would get a refund while keeping the camera. The supplier tried to help him resolve his non-existant problem, but of course they were simply pandering to Beaker's nastiness and wasting their time. Time and time again Paul Dunstan demanded a refund prior to his sending the camera back; they refused. Then, nasty Dunstan smashed the camera up with a hammer, pee'd on it, and then sent it back. This enabled him to immediately get his money back from eBay / PayPal incredibly, and he knew this all along. So, the poor seller had their money taken from them and a piece of **** was en route back to them.

Amazing, Paul Dunstan knew the law inside out, he had researched it carefully. Aparently you can send stuff back you order off the Internet for whatever reason within 10 days and demand an immediate refund, before the poor punter even gets his item back, and in whatever condition. Paul Dunstan bragged that when they received the smashed up urinated on camera, their only option was to sue him, and that they would not do this as they were on the South Coast and it would be uneconomical for them to do it. He even knows this is a European Law (Distant Selling Regs or something) which is a joke as Paul is a member of the BNP and hates the European Union.

This was the final straw for me. My mum raised three of us from her small business on eBay, and sometimes some toerag like Descion would do something similarly nasty to her. Like my mum, the poor seller that Paul Dunstan ripped off appears to be a small struggling business, and I really now hate Beaker for that. Paul Dunstan, you really are a low life piece of **** muppet, and the name "Beaker" suits you down to the ground.